The Not-So-Terrible Twos | Personal


You hear it all the time, “Just wait till the terrible twos!!” Terrible twos, a popular phrase for the time period of monumental change that toddlers experience transitioning from babies to young children. Two-year-olds begin to have the desire to communicate complex thoughts like wanting a specific colored M&M when they successfully use the potty. “NO, not red. NO, NOT yellow! BLUE, Mommy!!!” Have there been extremely challenging days when my son Kamden is “very two” as I like to put it? Absolutely. Fall down on the floor, flailing arms and legs, scream, scream, SCREAM. No, don’t hold me. No, don’t comfort me! Definitely do not offer me anything at all… except for that one thing I’m screaming about… oh  wait, never mind – it’s too late, I don’t want it. I’m too upset now!! Have I had days where my patience is pushed so close to the final limit that I have to use my deep breathing techniques and try my best to think of a single – uh I mean, all of the wonderful qualities of my son? Yes, indeed.

I’m here to boldly say, however, that twos don’t have  to be so terrible. In fact, I dare to say that it is one of my absolute favorite ages!! What? Terrible twos my favorite age? I must have lost it, right? Well, it’s not just because my Kam man is a fantastic kid (he really is). In my opinion, every age is enjoyable in its own way, but I have always been fascinated by two-year-olds and their daily development at an astonishing rate!


Kamden is now coming up with all kinds of sentences lately. It is the sentences that he comes up with on his own that just amaze me. Just this morning, “Wow! Yay! I so happy now!” (after rescuing his Lego man out of his empty potty – haha). It’s the total wide-eyed wonderment that he is filled with everytime he experiences anything new. It’s the excitement and love he shows me when we’ve been apart. “I yove you, Mommy. I meeessed  you!” The silly giggle that goes on and on when he finds something funny no matter how many times it’s been repeated.

A grandpa I spoke with at the park put it great: “Why do we lose that joy?

ConductorKam_FB-16My two-year-old is just full  of JOY. Sweet, innocent, pure joy. Every day. Living in the moment. Laughing out loud. Being silly, silly, silly. Fully enjoying a “deeelicious” cookie. Of course I am thrilled about watching him grow and experience new stages, but I really am loving these crazy, busy, fun-filled terrific  twos!! Just look at him.


Getting the most out of the twos is about more than just optimism and gratitude, although that is essential (and something I live my life by). It is about connecting  with your little one. Getting down on their level, literally, physically, vocally, and often, showing your appreciation, your attention, direct communication, and your love for them. It is our job to teach these little people. Not just ABC’s and 1-2-3’s, but teach them that they’re so important, that they matter, that they mean the world to you. How to communicate respectfully, and most of all, how to treat others. Show them love the way that you would want their future spouse to treat them, and they will eventually seek out that type of true appreciation. It all begins at home.

I guarantee you that what you receive in return will be more joy than you will think you can handle!! Enough smiles to get you through those tough, no-nap, cranky pants days… and to still be smiling at the end of the day. They’re counting on you for those smiles. To fill those little love buckets so they’ll feel valued and they’ll truly know joy!!

Look all around. There is love, beauty, and joy everywhere around you. You just have to look! 🙂

KamJan2014_FB-16 Snow-520140205-IMG_7207 KamJan2014_FB-5 KamJan2014_FB-11 ConductorKam_FB-5Please support Nancy Wiley Photography by “liking” my page on Facebook, sharing this blog, or visiting Thanks!!

Peyton | “Bringing a Little More Love to the World” | Newborn Session

So, I’ve been doing this little photography gig for a few months now, but something clicked (no pun intended – ha!) on Sunday when I started to work on capturing this precious 14-day-old baby girl. My slogan reads, “Bringing a little more love to the world, one photo at a time.” Maybe I somehow foresaw what my favorite subjects would be with the wording of my little phrase, but as I took photo after photo of newborn Peyton, I fell more and more in love with it all!! Having a brand new teeny-tiny baby is such a special time for families. Babies are only newborns for such  a short period of time… I know I definitely forgot just how little  they really are when they first come out! Being able to capture those brief precious moments for a family to enjoy forever and look back on and remember the itsy-bitsy toes, the almost invisible eyebrows, the peach fuzz hair, the pouty pink lips… it is all a HUGE honor for me.

This absolutely was my pleasure, and to top it off, baby Peyton was an absolute perfect angel!!! Not only did she sleep through all 3 hours of me photographing her in various positions, outfits, headbands, and props, but she even waited till we stuck her diaper back on to do her little business!! What a sweet little (considerate) model she was!!


A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of photographing the Calvi family for some holiday and maternity photos. My husband had met Eric, Peyton’s daddy, while they were both serving in the Navy, and Tina and I quickly became friends, especially after we both had boys first! So, when I was asked to do some newborn shots of new baby Peyton, there was no way I was turning that down!! I also just had  to take some family shots as well, including Peyton’s fun big brothers, Aidan and Cylas! So happy for these great friends of ours and the beautiful addition of a GIRL to their family!!!

“Bringing a little more love to the world…” by helping to show off this brand new sweet baby girl!! I am in love!! ❤

2014-02-10_00042014-02-10_00032014-02-10_00022014-02-10_0001 2014-02-10_0005 2014-02-10_0006 2014-02-10_0008 2014-02-10_0009Oh, and I just had to add… the photo with her mommy and daddy’s competing NFL teams? Peyton did  kick the Packers football away TWICE. Sorry Daddy, I think Mommy might have her girl on her side for that debate! Go Skins!! Haha.

2014-02-10_0010 2014-02-10_0011 2014-02-10_00122014-02-10_0007A little photo bomb attempt by big brother, Cylas!! So cute!


I love these next photos because this is a very special spot for the Calvi family! This arch was custom made by Tina’s dad for their wedding day in 2008, and it was where they took their vows!! It now stands in Tina’s parents’ backyard. Where it all began… now over five years and three kids later! 🙂

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2014-02-10_0018OMG, look closely to see baby Peyton smiling  while her mommy and daddy give her kisses!!! What a sweetheart!




*If you enjoy my images, please “like” Nancy Wiley Photography on Facebook or visit

Greene Family | Floridians in the Snow | Family Session

Straight from sunny Florida to snowy Virginia Beach!!! The Greene Family first began in the sunshine state back in 2005 when Dylan & Jessica first met as seniors in high school and fell in love!! As Jessica put it, “We met in our economics class. Our teacher, coach Guidry, asked Dylan to help me with my power point presentation because he was the computer nerd and I had no idea what I was doing. He is the reason we met and he even came to our wedding!”

Five years later they were married, and shortly after, Dylan joined and is still proudly serving in the U.S. Navy, which is what brought them to Virginia Beach. A year later they became three with the arrival of their son, Aidan, and finally this past October they became a family of four with the arrival of little baby Aria!

The initial plan was to do a family session sometime this March, but when Virginia Beach was hit with two recent snow storms, the second of which brought up to 10 inches of white stuff in some areas, we just had to take advantage of a unique photo session in the SNOW! So glad we did!

Just look at this gorgeous family… freezing or not, they did a great job in the snow, especially for not being used to it at all! Dylan was also feeling terrible this day, but you wouldn’t know from the pics… he was a trooper! Aidan & Aria were so well behaved for almost freezing their little noses off! Love the beautiful baby blues on both of these adorable kiddos!!

This session was shot at the historic Adam Thoroughgood House (circa 1719) in Virginia Beach.

*If you enjoy these images, please “like” Nancy Wiley Photography’s Facebook page to see more! Thanks!!















