“I Love You to the Cowboy!” | Kamden’s 3rd Birthday | Personal

Dear Kamden,

Well, you haven’t slowed down one bit! From the moment you started kicking me from inside my belly, you’ve been on the go!! I wouldn’t have it any other way. You have such a spark for life, buddy. I have so much to learn from you! You’re never bored and so full of life and joy every day! Today we celebrate your 3rd birthday and what an exciting one, as you now understand birthdays and are so up for celebrating anything!

This morning, I surprised you with huge green punching balloons when you woke up, and you exclaimed, “Banoons! I wove banoons!!!” 🙂 Once we got downstairs, you discovered your “pwesents,” and exclaimed, “It’s my birthday now!!” You got your Thomas & Friends Cranky the Crane that you’ve talked about for months now, and “a ‘mote control dinosaur” as you’d say, because Mommy just couldn’t wait 8 more days till Christmas to give it to you! Let’s just say Santa and Mommy made a special deal.

You have grown to be such a sweet, respectful, thoughtful, fun, albeit still crazy little guy!! Sometimes you may not know what to do with your enormous amounts of energy, but I know that someday that will all channel into something great, and you will be so successful with all that drive!

The twos did end up being a little more challenging than I had imagined, but at the same time was more fun than I’ve ever had in my life!!! You have learned so much, and I feel that I’ve learned just as much. I wish I could capture your little sweet voice forever. When you wake up in the morning and I get my minute of snuggles before your energy kicks in and you softly say, “I wove you, Mommy.” My heart melts over and over.

I hope you never lose that huge spark for life that you have. I hope that you continue to blossom and learn and make new friends at your new preschool and beyond. I hope that when you have the chance to run, you continue to run free and giggle and yell, “Come on, let’s run! This is fun!!” I hope that you love your brother “Cheese Packy” as much as you somehow already are showing though Mommy’s only 5 months pregnant. You tried to play dinosaurs with him the other day, you talk to him and tell him you love him, and are constantly giving him kisses! I hope you will someday understand my intense love for you and remember that you and your brother are the greatest joys of my life. Far greater joy than I ever imagined!

Your daddy and I are so so proud of you, Kam Man. Love you to the moon and back. To infinity and beyond! And, as you would add, “Love you to the cowboy!!!” Happy 3rd Birthday!!!



To see Kamden’s 2-year blog post, click here: Greatest Love I’ve Ever Known.

Ginny + Brian | A Surprise Proposal | VA Beach Engagement Photographer

Ginny was actually the one to contact me months back about doing a family session for her, her boyfriend Brian, and her daughter Haley. I was so happy when we were able to get together to do the session amongst the gorgeous, colorful, fall leaves. Much to my surprise, Brian slipped me a little note shortly after arriving that said, “I have a ring, and I plan to propose, so be prepared!” Before I knew what the note said, I responded with a loud, “Thank you!!” thinking he was handing me their session payment. Thankfully Ginny didn’t notice anything and was still completely clueless! Haha, phew!!

About half-way through our session, Brian got down on one knee, and proposed to Ginny!! She was totally surprised and cried tears of joy! The couple then spent a couple sweet moments hugging Haley and enjoying the moment together. We just had to do a quick reenactment with the fall leaves in the background as well! What a perfectly beautiful place for a proposal that was made so much more special with Ginny’s sweet daughter there! How awesome is this background with Haley’s beautiful hair too?!

Please like Nancy Wiley Photography to see more! Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-1 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-2 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-3 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-4 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-5 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-6 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-7 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-8 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-9 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-10 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-11 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-13 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-14 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-15 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-16 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-17 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-18 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-19 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-20 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-21 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-22 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-23 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-24 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-25 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-26 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-27 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-28 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-29 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-30 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-31 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-32 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-33 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-34 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-35 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-36 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-37 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-38 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-39 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-40 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-41 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-42 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-43 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-44 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-45 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-46 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-47 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-48 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-50 Ginny_VA_Beach_Engagement_Photographer-52